Featured Work

We've had the pleasure of working with leading companies in a spectrum of industries including Health Care, Logistics, Real Estate, Credit and Travel. Our projects span from about 8 weeks to multi-year and vary from data driven mobile/web apps to extended back-end processes involving business specific operations such as route optimization, elaborate multi-server synchronization/doc management, as well as credit processing. Feel free to Contact Us to discuss your project.

Field Service App

Deliverable(s): Mobile App (iOS), Web Based Admin/Portal
Temp App

Description: Our client required a mobile app to gather and visualize field service data.

Solution: BrightBean created a mobile app for the iPad with an Integrated Portal that showcases data visualization into charts and pdf deliverables.

Result: The field service is being used to measure predictable outcomes through current and historical data.

Technologies Used: Xcode, Swift, SQL Server, Web API, .NET CoreS.


Deliverable(s): Mobile Apps (Android, iOS), Web Based Admin/Portal

Description: A medical device company required a "sometimes connected" mobile app to provide on-the-job support material in a hospital setting. Additionally, off-site Administration was required to add/edit users as well as to upload support documents (PDFs).

Solution: BrightBean created cost effective mobile apps for the iPhone and Android devices. These apps are capable of maintaining user credentials and downloading/presenting the necessary support material for the on-site staff. Additionally, a multi-role portal was written in .Net MVC/SQLServer to allow an Admin to add documentation as well as add/edit/remove mobile users.

Result: The on-site teams are now receiving up-to-date training material provided by the off-site Admin on their mobile device of choice. A phase 2 is now being discussed to provide additional support functionality such as discussion groups, etc.

Technologies Used: Microsoft Visual Studio, Xamarin, SQL Server, ASP.Net/MVC, Web API, Entity Framework, Linq, Bootstrap

Assuring Better Childhood Development (ABCD)

Deliverable(s): Multi-Agency/Multi-Role Web Based Portal

Description: ABCD's mission is to improve early childhood development through mobilizing community organizations and health care practitioners. To do this, the came to us needing a way to organize their network of partners and physicians to provide optimal service.

Solution: BrightBean initially created a "Phase 1" version of the Agency Manager. This provided ABCD staff with the ability to track placements, assists, and numerous county and state metrics. Subsequent phases have added additional upload and export functionality as well as a "Community" version, which allows agencies to log in with appropriate visibility.

Result: The ABCD Agency Manager has been in production for several years and is continually being enhanced to provide deeper functionality for ABCD staff as well as Agencies.

Technologies Used: Microsoft Visual Studio, SQL Server, ASP.Net/MVC, Web API, Entity Framework, Linq, Bootstrap, AJAX

CoaCH Tool - UCD Farley Center

Deliverable(s): Calcluation Tool for Medical Facilities
CoACH Tool

Description: A University of Colorado at Denver (UCD) required a rewrite of a older Calculation Tool, which allowed medical facilities to consider various staffing scenarios.

Solution: BrightBean rewrote the application with numerous enhancements, performed data conversion, and transitioned the customers without disruption.

Result: The Farley CoACH tool has been providing estimates to its customers for over 3 years. We continue to periodically enhance the application.

Technologies Used: Microsoft Visual Studio, SQL Server, ASP.Net/MVC, Entity Framework

Go D4D

Deliverable(s): Mobile Apps (Android, iOS), Web Services/Administrator

Description: A local real-estate entrepreneur came to us with an idea for a mobile app and web portal. The app needed to track a user's movements as they drove around looking for properties, and retrieve property information from a web API when clicking on a property on Google maps.

Solution: An iOS/Android app was created and distributed via the iOS and Google Play stores. The app contains local storage for offline functionality as well as server-side storage for "cross-phone" utilization. Along these lines, The app and web portal are linked seamlessly, allowing a user to track property search history, organize campaigns, and compare property listings through custom filters.

Result: The entrepreneur is now able to compete with several other "driving for dollars" type applications at the national level.

Technologies Used: Microsoft Visual Studio, SQL Server, ASP.Net/MVC, Web API, Entity Framework, Linq, AJAX, Xamarin, WooCommerce (for app purchase)

FMF Racing

Deliverable(s): Web Store, Updated Back End Services
FMF Racing

Description: This national motorcycle muffler manufacturer/distributor has a cult level following! They asked us to to rebuild their online retailer store as well as numerous back-end processes.

Solution: Based upon specific customer needs and the direction of prior development efforts, we opted for custom solution.

Result: The new FMF Store has been operation for over a year and provides a simplified means of ordering/delivering product to the retailers. We're continuing to make improvements to this application including mobile friendly views.

Technologies Used: Microsoft Visual Studio, SQL Server, ASP.Net/MVC, Web API, Entity Framework, Linq, UPS Web Services, PayPal Web Services

Healthy Steps

Deliverable(s): Multi-Site Admin Portal
Healthy Steps

Description: Healthy Steps is a primary care program dedicated to early childhood health and effective parenting. They came to us needing a way to collect data about infants' health and compile reports.

Solution: We chose to make the UI as simple as possible for Healthy Steps specialists to use. On the back end, we set up several reporting options to filter and analyze the data.

Result: The result is a customized software solution for health care providers within a network that serves over 26,000 children each year.

Technologies Used: Microsoft Visual Studio, SQL Server, ASP.Net/MVC, Web API, Entity Framework


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